
vegetarian diet

Press Release: HellasVeg announces a study on the vegetarian dietary habits of people in Greece.

The Hellenic Vegetarian Association (HellasVeg) was founded in Thessaloniki in 2021 with its main goal being the promotion of vegetarianism, at a national and European level. Within its first year of operation, it developed significant action towards its goal, as it became an official member of the European Vegetarian Union (EVU, which is the …

Press Release: HellasVeg announces a study on the vegetarian dietary habits of people in Greece. Read More »

Strategy ‘’farm to fork’’: One more victory for the plant-based industry

After HellasVeg and EVU’s intervention towards Members of the European Parliament to avoid the suggested amendments that affected in a negative way the plant-based sector, the initial text of the EU’s Report’s strategy on ‘’Farm to Fork’’ was voted in favor. The European Commission started to establish a ‘’ Green Agreement’’, in order to make …

Strategy ‘’farm to fork’’: One more victory for the plant-based industry Read More »

eu cancer plan

Europe’s beating cancer plan with veganism being the alliance

Ιn the introduction of a thirty-one-page document, European Union notices that approximately three million European citizens are diagnosed annually with cancer and almost one million passes away, the total annual cost is estimated nearly 100 billions euros. Moreover, it is reported that the problem will be significantly worsen by 25% till 2035, unless we take action immediately.