The Hellenic Vegetarian Association (HellasVeg) was founded in Thessaloniki in 2021 with its main goal being the promotion of vegetarianism, at a national and European level.
Within its first year of operation, it developed significant action towards its goal, as it became an official member of the European Vegetarian Union (EVU, which is the main social partner at an EU level, in order to highlight the importance of turning the consumer habits of Europeans towards vegetarianism and to also implement the policies of the EU and its governments in that direction.
HellasVeg joined the StopAm171 movement, which declared the objection of 21 NGOs, including WWF and Greenpeace, the European Consumer Organization (BEUC), 23 members of the European Parliament and almost half a million European consumers who signed the resolution, against Amendment 171 which aimed at introducing a new series of restrictions on plant-based, dairy-free products (which is already the most restricted category in the EU).
Moreover, HellasVeg created a Hellenic Alliance against 171, which included some of the most important companies that operate in the Greek sector of plant-based products. The Amendment was finally withdrawn in April 2021, marking a major victory for the international movement for promoting vegetarianism.
HellasVeg, in cooperation with EVU, also intervened to the Greek members of European Parliament so that the proposition of modifications, that would negatively affect the plant-based sector, would be avoided in the future. Following the intervention, the original report for the EU strategy “Farm to Fork” was voted for. In addition, shortly before the debate in the plenary session of the European Parliament on the 19th of October 2021, an attempt to remove the commitment of fighting the overconsumption of meat, was found. But following the action of the EVU, and HellasVeg, in Greece, who wrote letters to the Greek MEPs, the modification of the original report was discarded.
Study around the vegetarian habits of Greeks.
HellasVeg carried out a study about the eating habits of Greek people in order to record their preference for the source of protein intake (plant or animal).
This study reveals in detail, for the first time, the consumption trends related with vegetarianism, meat-eating and consumption of fish or eggs, in Greek households. Another aim of the study is to quantify these preferences and compare them with those established in the European anti-cancer policy, as well as international trends around a healthy diet.
Reminding that a 2015 announcement of WHO, reports that a daily red meat consumption of 50g leads to an 18% increase in the risk of developing colon cancer. Also, the European Consumer Organization (BEUC) estimates that the consumption of red meat in Greece is around 54.2 kg a year i.e., 150g a day.
The study was conducted by Kantar Hellas SA, one of the largest market research companies in Greece. Combining the global expertise of KANTAR GROUP – the largest international research network, insights & consultancy – in respect to contemporary methodologies and market research tools and with an in-depth understanding of the most important sectors of Greek economy. Those combined, ensure that a full understanding of the client’s needs is made and the substantial advisory interpretation of the research results exists, providing directions that can be used immediately.
HellasVeg (Hellenic Vegetarian Association) aims to promote the vegetarian way of life in the Greek society, without exclusions and dogmatisms, and to also urge the man of our time to accept his part of the responsibility towards himself and the environment. HellasVeg’s belief is that the small steps that every individual takes, can make a difference in the big picture of human evolution on Earth.
In light of the above, HellasVeg’s website and weekly newsletters to its members, provide solid-grounded material about the latest innovations in the food industry. To participate or find out more information you can contact us on: | Tel.: +30 2310 474115 | Email:
Thessaloniki, 9th of May 2022